- What is RTI?
- How do you group the students?
RTI stands for 'Response to Intervention'. The goal is to seperate the kids into groups based on ability, and then do interventions to meet their needs.
My school starts by giving our students several tests. We use the Fontas and Pinnell reading system to find an appropriate reading level for each student. We also use a MAZE test from aimsweb.com, a dictated sentence, and a word inventory. The word inventory is done one-on-one with the student. During this one-on-one test, the student will try their best to read all 25 kindergarten words (usually within 1 minute).
Then the teachers, the principal, the resource room teacher, the speech teacher, and Elementary Support Teacher, and the 1st grade teachers, all sit down to discuss the results.
We start by putting all the kids reading ABOVE grade level, into one group. This group will be taught by our librarian and will focus on more difficult texts with a big emphasis on comprehension. Then we make the LOWEST group (these kids are all reading below grade level). These kids will be meeting in a room with the speech teacher, the resource room teacher, and the elementary support teacher, where they will be broken into even smaller groups. These kids will be taught letter names and sounds, and sight word recognition.
Next comes the big job! We take all the kids in the middle (these kids are reading AT grade level), and split them into one of 3 groups- workwork, comprehension, or fluency. We use all the testing information to decided which group to put them in. These 3 groups will be taught by the three 1st grade teachers.
For all of the groups we use the games on the Florida Centers website.
After 8 weeks, the kids reading AT grade level will be rotated. So the kids in the comprehension class will move to the flunecy class. And the kids in fluency would move to the workwork class. And the wordwork class to the comprehension class!
It would be very unusual that the kids reading ABOVE grade level would be moved down into the AT grade level group after 8 weeks. Instead, these kids will remain in the ABOVE grade level group. On the other hand, it is the GOAL that the kids in the LOW group will move up into one of the AT grade level groups!!
Wow, that was a lot! I hope that makes sense!
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